Fast, Reliable & Reasonable
Global Cargo Network

As a leading Global Cargo, we offer fast, reliable & reasonable cargo & courier service best for your need.
600K+ Packages delivered yearly.

Get started with Nepex Cargo courier service worldwide

As a leading courier worldwide, we offer fast, reliable & reasonable cargo & courier service including domestic as well as international deliveries.

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Nepex Cargo: Delivering Excellence, Globally and Locally.

the core services Nepex Cargo focuses are

Instant Delivery

Nepex Cargo offers instant local deliveries within the same town, including pickup and delivery for corporates, individuals, and eCommerce businesses.

Domestic Delivery

NNepex Cargo offers within-country delivery in a few days. Our agents and outlets are ready to serve you. All branches provide booking, tracking, and a high standard of service everywhere.

International Delivery

Nepex Cargo offers one-stop solutions for international shipments, including express air and surface cargo services. We handle documentation, ex-works, customs clearance, and warehousing. Rely on us.

Our Apps will be Available pretty Soon.

We are working on our Apps and both the versions of it will be available very soon. Probably by "WHEN SEPTEMBER ENDS".

Play store App store

Reason to Choose Nepex Cargo

working more than 9 Years providing Instant Home Delivery Service worldwide, we have always focused on improvising our services.

Fast Delivery

Instant Local Delivery Services within 2 hours Max.


We take care of every consignments serously.


Services starting on an equivalent Get Quote of an icecream.